AI Powered Segmentation


Bespoke audience segmentation powered by AI insights. SegmentAI allows you to maximize conversion with our custom segment creation based on factors such as:

  • Product Engagement

  • Location

  • Promotional Response

  • On-Site Behavior

  • Purchase History


Segment AI Users See


More Email Opens


More Clickthroughs


DSCO Snacks

Learn more about how Segment AI works and its benefits with our library of case studies & blog posts.

The Basics

Customer Segmentation: What is it & Why do I need it? A guide for beginners.

Live Tracking

The Power of Real-Time: Harnessing Live Tracking for Better Customer Insights

Segmentation Ideas

5 Innovative Ways to Segment Your Customers for Better Targeting

Let’s Connect

Curious to know more about DSCO? Questions about how this could work for your business? Share some info & our team will be in touch!